The Number 45

The number 45 is a pretty big number; it’s close to 50, which is ½ of 100. If you were told you were going to get 45 dollars you would probably be very appreciative; after all, if you lost more than 5 dollars you would be upset. But, if you tell someone you are 45 years old then that number takes on a whole new meaning… suddenly seems smaller, not so large after all. The number 45 has been on my mind all day. Someone I love very much would have been 45 today. The fact that they would have been 45 years old but were gone much sooner even makes the number seem that much smaller.

You were taken so young, you were gone way too soon, but you will never, ever be forgotten. Happy Birthday!

45 BDAY 3 years old – 42 years ago.

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